Business Needs Creativity
Business needs creativity - Business in 2017 and beyond is a new chapter in the business world, why? One of them is because the free market is open for all ASEAN which will be realized from 2017 onwards. Indonesian society is required to be creative because there are many opportunities open wide!
Why creative business? The free market to be realized in 2017 will enable goods from abroad more easily enter Indonesia.
This not only brings a positive impact but also a negative impact if we are not able to compete. Therefore, let's use a variety of creativity on some business ideas that you can try.

Business Ideas that Need Creativity

1. Traditional Business

Traditional-themed businesses, especially traditional products can be an interesting idea while preserving Indonesia's diverse culture. Organic goods and also unique to be hunted by enthusiasts and definitely have a market, especially now it is becoming a trend.
What can be sold? Starting from batik, wicker, and a variety of typical products of a region can be a good option. For example: for example you who are Batak people why not sell ulos, various designs of Batak are poured in the form of T-shirts, Batak kebaya and so on. Not only to target buyers from within the country, the more tourists who visit Indonesia of course your big market.

2. Handicraft Business

Almost similar to a traditional themed business, crafting becomes something unique and exclusive. Indonesia itself has a lot of very unique and even high value crafts.
For example, a sculptor can produce tens of millions of sculptures made of scrap wood. If you are traveling all over Indonesia, you will find even more hand-crafted artifacts.

3. Food Business

Food is the primary need of every human being and every human being is happy to explore the taste and variety of food. Almost every year there is a new type of food or food from a certain area that is not too well known then 'lifted' to the surface.
Every year there are many new franchise businesses that are even typical foods that contain historical value and so on. Just remember the principle: Good food and / or have 'fanatical fans' can survive. 

You can start a culinary business in 2017 with a variety of food ideas that pamper this stomach. Consider the typical foods or have your own recipe? Please try.

4. Business Travel

No doubt higher living standards and more and more people who realize the importance or feel that travel is a necessity. Business travel becomes one of the business options that you can lyrics as a business in 2017! Business travel itself has a lot of coverage - whether you as a planner, transportation ticket providers, providers where the tour itself and so forth. Please choose the one that suits you!

5. Business Publishing

Advertising is rife in the global world and this business is a very promising business because almost all the businesses mentioned above need promotion. Even more interesting is the cost of promotion of a business usually even takes quite a lot of money.
So you can imagine how much advertising and publishing people get ? Especially if you can think creatively and have an unconventional concept, hmm. The market will be much more that you can master and you can compete with other competitors. It does not have to be a great medium, through professionally built blogs it can also be a profitable publishing medium.

Have you thought about expanding your business by 2017? Are some of the options we mentioned above interesting and worth living? Or are you thinking of risks when you expand into other businesses? Remember, a good business is a TRAVELED BUSINESS.
Some of the above options may be just a fraction of the various ideas you can try again in the next year. Who knows your idea is even more interesting than the business recommendations we have mentioned!

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