Guide Learning Online Business For Beginners |
When opening this page means you are a beginner who is interested to
learn online business or at least want to know what online business is
Why am I bothering to make this article when there are many online
business guides that are discussed on various websites, whether free or
paid? In fact, many articles on this blog who have discussed it.
That's because there are still friends who ask about online business
and internet marketing, either through email, Facebook, or through
comments on this blog. The question is always the same, how to start an online business?
As the saying goes, "do not know then no love", so does the online business. There are many people who think that online business is fraudulent business. Can not be blamed too because it is a lot of fraud that 'on behalf of' online business, but actually not like that.
Before plunging into the world of online business, of course we must
first know what is an online business & internet marketing, and how
to do it. Very rarely there are businesses that succeed only by relying on reckless capital, especially in online business.
Online business that very many kinds, even if mentioned one by one will make you confused.
What I will explain here is the type of online business that I know and
very popular among online entrepreneurs / internet marketers. Although I am currently only focusing on two types of online business, namely Affiliate Marketing and Content Publishing , but I've studied several other types of online business. I'll explain later.
It should be understood also that the learning process takes time, often even need funds. And the most important thing is your MINDSET about the online business itself. Online business is not a rich quick business, especially if you are still a beginner. And not every type of online business suits you, there are only one or two that really match your interests and abilities. Faster self-understanding will greatly help you find the type of online business that PAS is running for you.
Well, by reading this short guide learn online business is expected the
beginner will understand what is internet marketing and online
business, what kind of online business, how to do it, and others. Happy reading!
WARNING! Read first this article to finish, after that just open the link that is here. So you FOCUS!
A. What is Online Business and Internet Marketing?
By definition we must have understood that online business is a business that is run online through the internet media. Actually many offline businesses are marketed through the internet, and there are online businesses can be marketed offline. So, the type of business can be divided as follows:
- Business online to online: online business that runs online, both operational and marketing. Some examples include domain selling and hosting business, selling internet marketing services (SEO, Google Adwords, Facebook Ads, etc), selling eBooks, content publishing, and others.
- Business offline to online: offline business marketing through internet marketing. For example, wholesale clothing stores, furniture stores, shirts distribution shops, shoe stores, and others whose marketing process is done through the internet by creating an online store or social media account specifically for marketing.
- Business online to offline: online business which then runs offline. Some examples are online stores that then open offline store outlets, online business seminars are done offline, and others.
Whatever online business that we run, will not be separated from the name of internet marketing (marketing via the internet).
Internet marketing is not just about sales, but more than that,
internet marketing is related to promotion, branding, customer service,
which is done online.
B. Some Popular Online Business Types
You must have read the success stories of online businessmen who
managed to get tens of millions to hundreds of millions per month from
their business on the internet.
There are people who can generate hundreds of millions per month from
advertisements on their blogs, others generate billions of dollars a
month from online stores, and there are people who generate tens of
millions of dollars per month selling services,
There are many types of online businesses that can be found on the internet.
Based on my experience for 5 years 'nyemplung' into the world of
internet marketing, there are at least 4 types of online business I have
ever learned. Among others are:
Content Publisher is someone or a company that delivers useful content
to internet users consistently on their website / blog, be it text
(article), audio, or video content.
The content is loaded in the media / online property by creating a
website / blog or submitted to other media, such as video content to
Then how the owner of the website / blog can make money from their content?
One way to make money from your content on the internet is to install
PPC (pay per click) ads on the content, such as Google Adsense ads.
Each time an ad clicks or per thousand impressions of the ad, then the
owner of the website / blog will get a commission from Google Adsense.
In addition to Google Adsense program, in fact we can also sell advertising space on the website / blog that we build.
Usually websites / blogs that have large traffic will get a lot of
offers from various advertisers, live you determine the cost of
advertising and choose which advertiser best suits the topic of your
website / blog.
Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a
marketer acts as an online broker that brings together prospective
buyers with sellers, and will earn commissions only in the event of a
The role of an affiliate marketer is to direct or send visitors /
visitors to the merchant website / online store by using a special link.
When there is a sale through a special link, merchants will know who
sells their products, and the broker will get a commission. The amount of commission has been determined previously by the merchant, for example 30% of the sale value of the product.
Dropship business is an online product sales system where the seller /
retailer does not have to own the product, and do not have to bother to
process the delivery of goods to the buyer. The main duty of a dropshiper is to market the product and communicate with potential buyers. The plot is like this;
after the deal, the buyer transfers the payment to the dropshiper>
dropshiper sends the payment to the supplier (dropshiper takes profit
difference)> then the supplier will send the goods to the buyer.
Dropshiper does not have to bother to do the process of packaging and
delivery of goods to the buyer because the supplier will do it.
Yummy again, on the packaging / pack of goods sent to the buyer will be
written that the goods sent on behalf of the seller, so our credibility
as a dropshipper is maintained.
One of the challenges of dropship business is marketing, fortunately in
the present time it is much easier to do marketing in social media. The most popular social media used by many online business actors is Instagram. Fuss is how to start an online business if our own Instagram account has not much followersnya?
You can just buy followers, but the best is organic followers, who do have the potential to be buyers of products you sell. Fortunately now there is Instagram tool that can help add organic followers to your Instagram account. You can check out the latest features of this award winning Wow UKM tool on their website ► Celebgramme ( ).
To be sure, it is now very easy to start an online business with very
little capital, one of which you can start with Dropshipping way like
Those who have their own products / services can utilize the internet as a marketing medium.
For example by creating an online store / blog for marketing, create
social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+), then
market their products there. Products that can be sold online vary greatly;
ranging from physical products (food, clothing, gadgets, etc.), digital
products (eBooks, video, software, membership), to services (website
creation services, article writing services, logo making services,
Read more: Soon C. How to Choose an Online Business
"How to choose a suitable online business with me?" Beginners must often ask this question. The truth is that you can answer this is your own, because most people know about one's interests and abilities is himself.
One example, I used to have an online store that visitornya big enough.
Every day there are just BBM and Whatsapp messages from potential
buyers, and also buyers who ask about their orders have been sent or
not. Although already have visitors and buyers, but finally the online store that I close myself, why?
Because I feel incompatible with this business, it takes time and
exhausted to answer all prospective buyer questions, even though all the
questions are already explained on the website.
Although this business does not match with me, it turns out many online
store owners who turnover hundreds of millions per month. SEE? It does not suit me that it fits perfectly with others.
My advice, build an online business that is in accordance with your
interests and abilities, or at least not something that will make you
Dig inside potential, research and learn the things that interest and
your ability to detail, find the elements of business that can generate
from your interests and abilities are, and do innovation.
Read more: Soon
D. Tips for Successful Online Business Running
There are many things that affect success in online business, but
broadly there are two factors, namely internal factors (of self) and
external factors (from outside). Well, the most influence on one's business success is internal factors or from ourselves.
1. Want to Learn and Practice
If you want to run a business, ideally we should have a basic knowledge is not it? All businesses must be like that.
In online business, we can learn at the same time practice at the same
time without having to fear losing big capital as happened in most
conventional business.
Then where to learn the most appropriate online business? Does it have to pay to learn online business? Relatively. Right for me, not necessarily right for you.
At the beginning of learning, it helps us dig up basic information
about online business, do not have to take a seminar or a paid course.
There are many websites that can be accessed for FREE to learn basic
business online, such as website,,, Rich,,, and many more. But my advice do not learn at once in all websites that yes, choose one just let learning more focus.
After digging for free information on the various sites I mentioned
earlier, hopefully you will know what kind of online business is best
suited for you.
When you find a business type that suits your interests and abilities,
it is highly recommended to learn more about the business. Usually online business material at a further level will be PAID because it is sold by experts in that area of business.
Why pay?
Because the material is based on the experience of the experts in the form of tutorials. So you do not have to be afraid of 'getting lost' and spending time trial and error
in learning because you can buy valuable information, that is the
experience of online business people who have proven successful. This is your initial investment in doing business on the internet.
There are many choices of online business courses and internet marketing that you can follow.
But DO NOT spend your money and time to study in many places at once,
will not be maximal and will even make you dizzy and confused, focus on
studying on a course that addresses the business field you like. For online business courses & internet marketing paid, I recommend some of the following websites:
- : learn the correct internet marketing mindset on this website, very suitable for beginner to master level. Here you can learn about blogging, affiliate marketing, online stores, and others (owner: Anne Ahira).
- : material on this website is much given free, paid product is tutorial how to make money from affiliate (owner: Sukarto Sudjono).
- Success : if you are interested to learn how to make money from ClickBank affiliate, please register at this website (owner: GM Susanto)
- : want to make money from YouTube? Please join this website because the material focuses on how to make money from your videos on YouTube (owner: Rully Agus).
- There are still others, will be updated later.
2. Focus, Focus, Focus, and Patience
This is one of the keys to success in online business, FOCUS!
Many beginners who fail in the middle of the road because they can not
focus on running an online business that has been studied.
When someone shows a large shoot of his earnings from affiliate Amazon,
the new beginner produces 'less' from Google Adsense suddenly changed
course to learn affiliate And the beginner learns again from the start about Amazon affiliate, then he realizes that it's not as easy as imagined. And when he realized, time and money were wasted but no significant business improvement. This often happens to those who do not want to focus.
When you've found an online business model that fits your interests and
abilities, focus on learning and running the business model until it
Temptation lure big earning from other business models will surely you
feel, even sometimes this temptation can make beginners hesitate. It is not easy to run an online business, all beginners must feel the obstacles.
And if we stay focused and consistent, there will be a point where we
realize that the online business we are working on has already generated
and has long-term potential. The key is focused and patient!
3. Brave and Disappointing
Starting your own business definitely takes courage. You must dare to set aside your income for business purposes, such as;
the cost of buying an online business course package, the cost of
buying a domain and hosting, promotional fees, and other expenses. In other words, you have to be brave and ready for LOSS. In addition, you also have to dare to abandon old habits and 'sacrifice' for the success of your online business in the future. For example, usually you often hang out
with a boyfriend or friend office, after you decide to start an online
business then this habit must be reduced or abandoned for a while.
In learning and running an online business there are two possibilities that will occur, between failing or succeeding. But in fact there is no such thing as failure forever, and there is no such thing as successful forever. What determines failure or success is ourselves. Indeed failure can happen even though we have focused learning and practice. We can learn from previous mistakes and failures, and make the failure a valuable lesson.
In this last paragraph I want to recall the points that beginners need to know at the beginning of online business learning.
- What is an online business and internet marketing
- Several types of popular online businesses can be considered
- How to choose an online business that suits you
- Tips for successful running an online business
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